Kindness Saves A Life

“To be hurt. To feel lost. To be left out in the dark. To be kicked when you’re down. To feel like you’ve been pushed around. To be on the edge of breaking down and no one’s there to save you. No, you don’t know what it’s like. Welcome to my life.”

Source: Pinterest

In this screw up world, it’s hard to tell who’s real and who’s not. Who’s completely happy and who’s silently suffering. No one knows who’s fighting their own demons or who’s trying to win their own battles. Everyone’s putting a happy facade. Like nothing’s wrong. Like they aren’t screaming inside, asking for some help.

The thing with people is that they are trying hard not to let people see their bare face or real feelings. The hidden is one is the realest and purest thing in the world. Lucky to those who saw it.

In a street full of strangers walking to and fro, we can never really tell who wants to continue or who wants to stop, unless we look closer and deeper. Into their eyes and soul. They say, people with the brightest smile, have experienced the worst pain. And people who seems unbothered with the chaos of the world, are the most miserable ones.

So smile. Be kind.

Be kind to your family, friends, or even to a random person you met in a convenient store or in the street. You may never know what they are going through. Or how hard it is for them to continue to breathe even when all they want is to be selfish and sleep. How they are struggling to live each day thinking when it will all freaking end so they can finally be free. Be home. You may never know..

So if you see someone smiling so bright or listening to a song I wrote on the first line while banging their head in the air like a rockstar in a concert…be kind to them. Show them the kindest thing or action you can give.

Because kindness…can save a life. Save them while you still can. While it’s still not too late.

Let them know they are worth saving for…

Published by I T S H E R S A F E S P A C E

A solitary wanderer in a world that doesn't exist.šŸ’ššŸ’š

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